Thursday, August 09, 2007

Arachniphobia is an UNDERSTATEMENT!

Ever had that fear that you'd wake up and that spider you are so deathly afraid of would be climbing on you????
Yea well, been there, done it last night, ON MY HEAD, NOT a dream. Oh my gosh... you have no idea how freaked out I was.....
oh yeah. Nuff said. Gives me the heebiejeebies just thinking about it now.....ugh.


Our Family said...

You have got to be kidding me! Oh my word...I would have wet my pants. Did you?

Leslie said...

Ahhh! I have nightmares just thinking about this.

Blessed said...

EWWWWWwwwww...I am so afraid that will happen to me. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and feel something on me, get up, turn the lights on and tear through the covers. I never find anything. And, I hope I never do. I am scared just thinking about it.